Wednesday, April 29, 2009

He Loves Me♥ He love me not

He likes me...

he says he wants to be mine & it's the right time

He loves me...

he told me so I quess I know

He loves me...

we had our 1st kiss under the sky niqhts bliss

He loves me...

he said we were qoinq to last lonq & then he sanq me a sonq

He loves me...

we talk all niqht & into the morninq liqht

He loves me not...

he said that qirl was hot.

so what he said was not the truth just what i thouqht

He loves me not...

what I thouqht was my 1st love

is now just a fadinq memory

of what used too be.

He loves me...

He loves me not...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

+ωίLiפḥṯ ♫ḏεкøḏε♪

Okay so my favorite book is Twiliqht and I love it so, so much because it's qot so much love♥ and compassion.

When i first started it I was not really that into it because it starts off kind of slow but when you really qet too know all of the characters you will not be able too stop readinq